Thursday, 27 January 2011

Go Green in Business | Benefits of HD Video Conferencing by Layer47

Most of us try to do our bit in saving the planet and over the years we have become fairly conscious of being “eco-friendly”. Changing behaviour is easier to manage on a personal level, but what about in terms business operations? Good news is that you do not have to chain yourselves to trees outside the office to demonstrate a commitment to the environment! :)

Play an active role in the Video Conference revolution and you can reap the rewards of high definition video communication whilst boosting your brand with “green-credentials” and participating in a global effort to reduce carbon emissions and protect the ozone layer.

The benefits of Video Conferencing technology are clear, delivering a cost-effective and green alternative to travelling to meetings. Less time out of the office means more time making decisions and more time on projects, resulting in an increased rate of productivity. Not to mention the reduced cost implications, saving on expensive flights, car hire, hotel rooms and meal costs.

But what about the quality?

If the thought of Video Conferencing conjures up images of blurred visuals, disjointed audio, poor connections and massive delays, think again. The quality of VC technology has come a long way in recent years. High definition video conferencing was launched in 2005 and has changed the face of video, offering a far superior quality of experience. The sophistication of the technology is so advanced that it replicates human interaction, empowering your team to collaborate naturally and freely. So you’ll be sitting in your office in London experiencing life-like interaction with your colleague in New York. This is true telepresence!

Video Conferencing does not just deliver a more productive work environment but also a more flexible one. You no longer need to leave the comfort of your home in order to go for that training session in Hong Kong. Remote workers out in the field can have regular catch up meetings as if they were back in the office. Here’s a pretty good video to illustrate my point:

Furthermore, with multi-point solutions you can transact with three or more users from remote points as naturally as if everyone were right there in the same room. The world seems like such a small place once you start doing business in this way!

Upon reflection it seems that Video Conferencing is no longer a poor and unreliable alternative to wasteful travelling but a preferable approach!

If you’re considering adopting a greener business model, why not try LifeSize Video Communications. LifeSize introduced high definition to the market and have been the leaders in this space, delivering unrivalled price:performance.

As usual I will send you in the direction of where you can find useful resource in your hunt for valuable solutions, so check out:

Still not sure? Book a demo with us to test out the LifeSize kit at a state of the art demo lab.

1 comment:

  1. Now a days, many companies come up with new and advanced technology Video Conferencing Software which doesn't have distortion and disturbances.
